Veteran Aid and Attendance Gives Monthly Stipend

The Veteran Aid and Attendance is a benefit paid now for service done years before. The Veteran’s Administration has many types of benefits for Veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Some also include Spousal Benefits.

A lot of seniors who served in WWII and Korea are already in the V.A. system receiving medical care, medications, pension, burial and other health related benefits. Many others are entitled but either don’t know about different programs or prefer to manage on their own. Two types of in-home health care benefits are where the V.A. will assess and pay for a number of hours for an aide/caregiver to help with personal care. The other is “Aid and Attendance” in which, if you qualify based on needs and some financial disclosure, the V.A. will send you a monthly check to pay for assistance where you reside.  This can be upwards of a thousand dollars a month.

The three Requirements for Veteran Aid are:

  1. A person must have served a minimum of 90 days of active duty, 1 day during wartime, with an Honorable Discharge.
  2.  Medical Condition – Confirmed by a Physician’s diagnosis; driving only when necessary.
  3. Financial Limitations- Income & Assets in relation to Medical Expenses that demonstrate the need for the pension.  This means they look at income AND outlay of costs for everything related to person’s care.

Documents to submit with application:

  • DD-214 Military Discharge – A certified copy.
  • Social Security Award Letter for Current Year
  • Bank Statements – at least 3 months’ worth
  • Copy of Voided Check  – for Direct Deposit
  • Marriage certificate -for married veteran or surviving spouse.
  • Death Certificate – if for Surviving Spousal Benefit – Must Include Veteran’s Cause of Death.

*** We recommend you consult and Elder Law Attorney or Financial Planner as Aid & Attendance will count as Income should you later apply for other income-based benefits, such as Medicaid.