
As the summer months approach, it’s important to remember that seniors have unique safety concerns during this time of year. With the heat, sun exposure, and increased outdoor activity, seniors need to take extra precautions to stay safe and healthy. Here are some tips for senior summer safety: Stay hydrated One of the most important ...
Organizing respite care can be a confusing and frustrating process. Not only is it difficult to decide which type of respite care to use, but couple that with the emotions that are also involved. Respite care is used for those needing a break from caring for a loved one with a condition where they can’t ...
Navigating home health care can be very stressful.  We get calls from people inquiring about care, community assistance options, or even just guidance. Each individual is treated with respect and dignity.  South Florida currently has plenty of options and finding the right one can be exhausting, confusing, and extremely frustrating.  It doesn’t have to be.  ...
Paradise Home Health Care is proud to announce being selected for the 2022 Best of Boca Raton in the Home Health Care Service category. The staff and caregivers work incredibly hard every day to make sure our clients and families feel comfortable. For instance, we listen to what their needs are and gather as much ...
“How Important is it to Have my Will, Medical POA and DNR?” The short answer is having a Will is very important. In the state of Florida, there are certain requirements for the courts and medical providers that are important for your healthcare now, and your legacy after you pass away. Listed below are a ...
Home Care for Aging Parents Home care for aging parents is the best solution when your parent chooses to remain in their own home. At some point an elder loved one may need some help with caring for themselves and their household.  There are a few choices for care. Most common is the spouse or ...
“Elderspeak” – Helpful or Harmful? “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou “Elderspeak” is a pattern of speech that mimics baby talk, or how we speak to pets. Verbal communication conveys thoughts, information, and ...
Old, Alone, “Don’t Need Help” Old, Alone, “Don’t Need Help” is a common response a Home Care Social Worker hears. It is hard to be ill or incapacitated. Living alone makes it that much harder. In fact, age, illness, and living alone are “risk factors” to be considered when putting together or thinking of a ...
Social Work Based Home Care Social Work based home care takes a macro view of a client’s needs, family relationships, home safety and an array of resources and benefits.  In-home care, Social Workers typically are with a Medicare Agency. They are one of the “Skills” which Medicare covers. Other skilled professionals are Registered Nurses, Physical, ...
15 May 2020
Senior Loneliness Senior loneliness is in the spotlight due to quarantine and self- isolation by seniors. The Covid-19 pandemic is causing people to remain home. Usual activities like Senior Centers and other programs are on hiatus. Not being able to go to your favorite restaurant, poolside, or even to your card game is causing older ...
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