
When an older loved one is refusing help, it can be extremely frustrating. Emotions are running high, and it seems that everyone, except the ones needing the help, understands the urgency. Many factors can contribute to their needs. For example; a decline in health due to age, disease diagnosis, recent falls, and death of a ...
Paradise Home Health Care is proud to announce being selected for the 2022 Best of Boca Raton in the Home Health Care Service category. The staff and caregivers work incredibly hard every day to make sure our clients and families feel comfortable. For instance, we listen to what their needs are and gather as much ...
Home Care for Aging Parents Home care for aging parents is the best solution when your parent chooses to remain in their own home. At some point an elder loved one may need some help with caring for themselves and their household.  There are a few choices for care. Most common is the spouse or ...
15 Oct 2020
Building Your Team Building your team begins with a diagnosis. Anyone receiving a serious diagnosis needs some time to absorb the news. So do family members and whoever else you choose to tell.  First, take in the news and hear what the physician tells you. It is highly recommended to have a loved one go ...
Old, Alone, “Don’t Need Help” Old, Alone, “Don’t Need Help” is a common response a Home Care Social Worker hears. It is hard to be ill or incapacitated. Living alone makes it that much harder. In fact, age, illness, and living alone are “risk factors” to be considered when putting together or thinking of a ...
Social Work Based Home Care Social Work based home care takes a macro view of a client’s needs, family relationships, home safety and an array of resources and benefits.  In-home care, Social Workers typically are with a Medicare Agency. They are one of the “Skills” which Medicare covers. Other skilled professionals are Registered Nurses, Physical, ...
Family Decisions for Parental Care Family decisions for parental care are often difficult. But, sometimes they can be antagonistic and hostile.  Recall the adage; “one mother can raise five children but five children can’t care for one parent”. Part of this is because caring for an elderly parent is complicated. Family decisions often bring up decades ...
05 Jun 2020
Home Care Mistakes Home Care Mistakes result in frustration and stress, or worse. They can occur during an already difficult medical/health situation. An unsatisfied experience is often preventable. People seek out help at home when they are either post-surgery, undergoing an illness, are a primary caregiver, or have a long term, degenerative disease ( i.e. ...
Unplanned Hospitalization An unplanned hospitalization occurs unless it’s an elective, planned procedure or surgery. Because to the Covid-19 pandemic, thousands of people are going to the hospital unexpectedly. You are too old to be a Boy Scout or Girl Scout, but you are never too old to be prepared. Many Floridians have “Emergency Kits” for ...
22 Oct 2019
Caregiver Cling is a Thing “Caregiver Cling” is similar to what we used to call “Separation Anxiety“.  In this context it describes dependent adults who experience anxiety or even panic when their primary caregiver or partner is absent.  The caregiver might just be in another room but out of their loved one’s view. This creates ...
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