Older Adults
Jul 2016
Self-Empowerment – Doctors Agree Comes From 4 Things Self-Empowerment comes from improving or maintaining these four key elements. From research, articles, lectures, multidisciplinary approaches all seem to come down to some variation of taking better care of ourselves so that we may be as physically, cognitively,
Jul 2016
Elder Care Often Becomes a Concern for Adult Children Elder adults at some point in their lives we will likely become ill, have a hospitalization, and hopefully return our usual lives, albeit with some modifications of medications, exercise, and diet. The older we get, and in the 21st century, many of us will become very ...
Jun 2016
Post Discharge Home: Seniors are rarely 100% recovered Post Discharge home, you may find your elder loved one’s Discharge Plan is quite complicated or they may not be up to dealing with the details. The hospital or rehab Discharge Planner may review the plan but it is likely not really heard or understood. Your parent may live ...
Apr 2016
Library Series: Money Smart Week is April 23-30, 2016 This annual Public Library series event is presented at libraries across the country. Lectures are happening at the downtown and Spanish River libraries in Boca Raton, Florida. Money Smart Week is a public awareness campaign designated to help consumers better manage their personal finances. All lectures ...
Feb 2016
Visiting Parents? Plan Ahead Visiting parents, whether you live far or near to your older parents, it benefits all to plan ahead. Doesn’t matter whether they live in their own home or in a communal setting, Feeling lonely, especially if your parent lives alone can cause health issues such as depression. Visiting parents can make ...
Dec 2015
Old Age: What is True or False? Old age is getting longer as we live longer and there is a lot of misinformation about this stage of life. What they can do and what they can no longer do well. Since Americans are seeing a tsunami of seniors now in their 80s and 90s with ...
Jul 2014
Elder Parents Sharing Important Information with Family Those of us in the Sandwich Generation know that our elder parents can be secretive about personal information – medical and financial in particular. It can become very important though to know some basic names, dates and numbers about your aging mother and older father – especially if ...
- "Elderspeak"
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July 22, 2016
July 22, 2016
July 22, 2016
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Discharge Plan
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Older Adults
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