
Alzheimer’s is a Disease of the Brain  Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive, degenerative disease which causes a decline over many years in memory, thinking (cognitive) and reasoning or judgement. Dementia is an umbrella term for loss of cognition skills. What used to be called senility is now termed “dementia” and Alzhiemer’s disease is the most ...
Medical, Financial and Legal Professionals Professionals who are degreed, licensed, certified and experienced are beneficial to guiding post retirees and elders in maintaining a good quality of life and planning for their future. As we age and get older, more medical personnel beyond our Internist crop up as we seek out more specialists: Cardiologist, Neurologist, ...
With about 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s Disease and many more fearful of getting this degenerative cognitive disease, it is helpful to learn the different stages. No two people get the same disease in terms of strict similarity of symptoms and time frames. There isn’t a crystal ball, but there is a known direction and somewhat ...
    Support Group from NPF for You and Your Family Support Group for PD is a great way for you and your spouse to learn more about managing this disease. If you or a family member has been recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or have been managing the disease for a while, check with your local ...