
Resilience of the Primary Caregiver Families across America are primary caregivers to children, aging parents or both… i.e. Sandwich Generation caregivers. It is hard and stressful work to care for an adult, especially those who are cognitively impaired and have Dementia. The primary, family, and usually the spousal caregiver makes everything else run. Their care ...
Elder Care Expenses Elder Care for anyone with physical or cognitive impairment is challenging and very expensive. Most adults prefer to remain in their own home. Here are a few ways to find income to cover the cost of care. Whether assisting a loved one with either physical or cognitive declines (sometimes both) expenses add ...
Medicaid Allowance: Good news from Florida…   Medicaid has again revised one of its regulations. The “Personal Needs Medicaid Allowance” has been increased to $105.00 (up from $35.00) effective July 1, 2014. The Personal Needs Allowance is the amount of income a nursing home resident who is receiving Florida Medicaid long-term care benefits may retain ...
Snowbirds Come South: October to May Let the Snowbirds Migration begin.  Both Almanacs are calling for another very cold and snowy winter, so the flocks will begin soon. A lot can happen medically, from Spring to late Fall.  Your medical team down here needs to be brought up to date. It is alarming when Snowbirds ...
 Veteran Aid and Attendance Gives Monthly Stipend The Veteran Aid and Attendance is a benefit paid now for service done years before. The Veteran’s Administration has many types of benefits for Veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Some also include Spousal Benefits. A lot of seniors who served in WWII and Korea are already ...
Fitness: Healing & Maintenance                    Fitness often correlates with better health. Whether a Boomer, Retiree or Senior; proper nutrition and routine fitness bolsters a feeling of wellness – body and soul. Care promotes fitness for Health and Safety with all of our clients. A hired caregiver is a trusted ...
Decline or functional impairment  by your elderly parent  – Red Flags Decline is usually symptomatic of disease or illness. Some signs of decline are subtle and others obvious. Simple observation in their home will give you an idea of what changes are happening and how best to respond. Go to their home and see: 1. Has mail accumulated, and ...
Rehab Center Discharge Checklist Rehab stays can be short term or longer, but generally last 3 weeks as that is what Medicare covers. Rehab stays generally get people “home ready” but perhaps not fully recuperated. This is true following a surgery or illness. You will likely receive Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapist visits through Medicare Home Services when ...
Do I Just Call LTC Insurance and Open a Claim? LTC insurance is used to pay for private duty personal home care. As a Geriatric Care Manager for a Senior Services company in South Florida, I meet with many elder folks when they need assistance at home.  Either they sustained an injury- fall or hip fracture, recuperating ...
11 Jul 2014
Hurricane & Summer Heat Hurricane season and extreme heat are staples of Florida this time of year. Here we are in the middle of the Florida summer. Hot as Hades and there is a danger of Hurricane strength storms coming off the Atlantic. Time to take stock of supplies and to stock up. Heat exhaustion ...
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