Sep 2016
Falling and the Facts Falling risks can be greatly reduced by good habits developed to prevent falls. Fall begins September 22nd and it is also National Fall Prevention Day. The Center for Disease Control finds that a third of seniors will fall. For many of them, it will be a life changing event. Falling can be ...
Sep 2016
Senior Residences -After the “Why “consider the “Where” Senior Residences are part of a big decision Older Adults and their grown children need to consider when deciding the best place to reside. Most Americans prefer to remain in their own home — for as long as possible. This is very possible for the majority ...
Aug 2016
Alzheimer Dementia Lasts Many Years and is Expensive Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementia throw a big curve into the financial planning of seniors and retirees. Upon any serious diagnosis, especially one which will ultimately seriously affect the person’s ability to make thoughtful decisions, you and family members are advised to come together and put together a ...
Aug 2016
Our Homecare Company has Changed If you have been unsatisfied with your Homecare provider, the caregivers and office staff of late because they don’t respond to you satisfactorily, it may be time to make a change. Of course that is hard on you, your aging parent, and possibly other family members. Often it is up ...
Aug 2016
Stressors Harm Your Health; Body, Memory, Emotions and Spirit Stressors and worry weigh upon all of us, especially primary caregivers. Health has to be guarded and supported. Sure there is good stress which gets us motivated, our competitive juices flowing to get the job done but other than that, stress wears on our physical and ...
Jul 2016
Elder Care Often Becomes a Concern for Adult Children Elder adults at some point in their lives we will likely become ill, have a hospitalization, and hopefully return our usual lives, albeit with some modifications of medications, exercise, and diet. The older we get, and in the 21st century, many of us will become very ...
Jun 2016
Parkinson “Moving Day” Fundraiser: Hosted by the National Parkinson Foundation ~ South Palm Beach County Chapter –Event Date: Sunday, November 6, 2016 Location: FAU ~ Boca Raton ~ Stadium Parkinson Disease’s annual NPF national fundraiser called Moving Day is this November in Boca Raton, Florida. It is one of the biggest fundraiser events of the ...
Jun 2016
Post Discharge Home: Seniors are rarely 100% recovered Post Discharge home, you may find your elder loved one’s Discharge Plan is quite complicated or they may not be up to dealing with the details. The hospital or rehab Discharge Planner may review the plan but it is likely not really heard or understood. Your parent may live ...
May 2016
Hurricane Safety Season Begins June 1st – Be Ready Hurricane Safety plan for hurricane season. It is time to re-evaluate supplies, plans, and any home repairs. Here is Palm Beach and Broward counties, we know the drill. Elderly parents and other older neighbors often need some assistance with getting ready. Lots of supplies are heavy ...
May 2016
Seniors with health issues use Vial Life “Vial Life” is used by seniors so that during a medical emergency, the EMT or Medic will have immediate health and medical information to better treat you. The Vial Life program can save lives. Run through many Fire Departments, you receive an Information Form to list your pertinent identifying information, ...
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Recent Posts
September 20, 2016
September 20, 2016
September 20, 2016
Adult CHildren
Aging parents
Alzheimer's Disease
Auto Safety
Caregiver Support
Discharge Plan
Elder Care
Elderly Parents
Emotional Health
Fall prevention
Home Alone
Home Care
Hopital Readmissions
in home care
Long Term Care Insurance
Older Adults
Palm Beach County
Parkinon's Disease
Physical Therapy
Psycho-Social stage of Aging
Rehab Center
Sandwich Generation
South Palm Beach County
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