Apr 2019
Home Care Q & A Home Care Q & A reviews the most common questions asked about private duty home care. Each person and situation is different so individual Care Plans vary. Overall though, Home Care keeps a person safe, improve quality of life, assist as needed with personal care, household chores, transportation, and companionship ...
Oct 2018
Family Caregiver Tips According to a 2015 National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP study there were over 34 million Americans caring for an adult aged fifty and older. So their numbers will increase as “Boomers” age. First “tip” is to share the responsibility. So, ask other family members and friends or hire help. Going ‘solo’ as a ...
Aug 2018
Eldercare Nutrition is a Big Part of Being a Caregiver Grocery shopping and meal preparation are as important when caring for a senior retiree as it is for a growing child. We all do better when we are well-nourished. Eldercare nutrition means a heart and brain healthy diet. Heart and brain issues often show up ...
Jun 2018
Caregiver Types Summed Up Caregiver types are identified by former First Lady, Rosalyn Carter as basically past, present, future and in need of. Research backs this up as it finds that millions of Americans, at some point in our lives will need some in-home services, care, and assistance. Caregiver types are typically a spouse, adult ...
Jun 2018
Caregiver Deal Caregiver Deal means different things to different folks and families. To many it means this is what they do, no questions asked. They take care of their spouse, end of story. For other people they see a Caregiver Deal being shared responsibilities within the family and community. Recently a client’s husband sent me ...
Compounding Pharmacies Provide Personalized Dosing Compounding Pharmacies are equipped to get the dosages of prescription medications down to the smallest degree. This means you don’t have to cut pills or tablets into smaller doses, since few of us can get each half or quarter cut in uniform sizes. This is especially true if Arthritis has ...
Feb 2018
Coping Skills to Manage Stress Coping skills help us deal with the stress of life. It is both a motivator to get things done and a drain on our heart and spirit. We learn coping skills as early as infancy. Babies learn how to get attention or calm themselves? Throughout life we learn ways to manage our ...
Jan 2018
CEO Brain Function We Need to Exist CEO Brain Function (a.k.a. Executive Brain Function) in humans are extremely advanced. We can use critical thinking, planning or memory in ways that other beings cannot. Our brains also affect mood, behavior and personality, is the repository for language, our visual-spatial orientation as well as where our insight and ...
Jan 2018
Caregiver Burnout – A Real Health Threat Caregiver Burnout is the term for when a caregiver (usually the spouse or other family member) is tooexhausted and unwell to maintain an acceptable level of caregiving. When meeting in Caregiver Support Groups, it is asked “when will you know that you are burnt out?” The answer is ...
Dec 2017
Family Visits with Ill Parents Family visits are typical in South Florida during the winter months. Many adult sons and daughters will visit their elder parents at least once a year to enjoy the sunshine. When an older parent has a disease or illness, some preparation from all sides are warranted. When a mother or ...
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April 25, 2019
April 25, 2019
April 25, 2019
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