A Discharge Checklist helps you and family members to anticipate and plan for the big day! Your time at the rehabilitation center generally gets people “home ready” but perhaps not fully recuperated. You will most likely receive Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapist visits through a Medicare Home Health agency when you return to your residence. You may also wish to hire a caregiver for a short time to help with transportation, cooking, shopping, laundry and any personal care untill you are fully back on your feet.

Hooray, I’m going home
Discharge Checklist
Discharge Checklist
Extremely important to review for the best outcome and avoiding preventable re-hospitalizations:
- Know how you are getting home, family or a service
- Review the Discharge Plan and make sure you understand it.
- Social Worker will discuss Medicare & Medical Equipment with you.
- Call in new prescriptions to your pharmacy, to be picked up or delivered home.
- Make an appointment with your primary doctor for your 1st week home.
- Review your new medications with the ones at home.
- Take all your medications with you to the doctor.
- If you live alone or are a primary caregiver, consider getting a medical alert pendant for emergencies.
- Review home for Fall Prevention Safety and get the Vial Life kit.
- Take it easy, you’ve been away a few weeks, let your body adjust.
- Follow your diet, exercise, medication plan, and therapy & doctor recommendations.
- Get on with your life, but if you need more help, just ask.
Sherry Picker, MSW