
Covid-19 is sweeping the globe. It is important to remain as calm as possible and follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization, and Center for Disease Control. Also stay tuned to local news for updates in your community/city. Covid-19 and home care for seniors is as challenging as everything else as we adapt to new norms.  Staying home more can be tedious but we can acclimate. There must be changes to exercise routines as gyms, pools are closed. However we are lucky in south Florida as we can take walks in wide open spaces like the beachfront.

Tips for the Homebound

Now that many of us have become more “homebound” we must create new routines. We must also learn other ways of getting prescription medications and groceries. Anyone’s parent who doesn’t want a smartphone or computer, but is truly able to learn the basics, should realize it is time to get online. Ordering groceries, medication, supplies, entertainment, and communicating may be the “new normal” for a while.

~ Arrange home delivered groceries when possible.                                                             ~Publix &Walmart have curbside pickup.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~Cancel of all unnecessary appointments.
~Check with your community’s social events and private activities for rescheduling or closures.                                                                                                                                                                               ~Download ”Skype” and with Apple products, “Facetime” so your elder family members can “see” you and the grandchildren.
~Send at-home activities – jigsaw puzzles, books etc. to your loved ones who can use them.
~Good time to do “Spring cleaning” in terms of going through closets, scrapbooking and other home based activities.
~Stay tuned to CDC — and local government announcements and guidelines.

Here at Paradise Home Health Care, like other home care companies, rest assured that our staff is doing everything possible to avoid any disruptions in service. Keep in mind that with mandatory school closings, some aides may need to modify some schedules. We hope all of us realize we are in this together and will show greater understanding, patience and compassion.

Take care, wash your hands often, keep hands away from face, stay home and wipe down things in the home and stay well.