
Anesthesia Can be Serious Anesthesia is not always required. Sometimes a local can be used or a different type of Anesthesia can be used with lesser effects. Whether going for an outpatient procedure or to the hospital for surgery, we tend to learn about the Surgeon/doctor but not the anesthesiologist. He or she will be taking ...
Resilience of the Primary Caregiver Families across America are primary caregivers to children, aging parents or both… i.e. Sandwich Generation caregivers. It is hard and stressful work to care for an adult, especially those who are cognitively impaired and have Dementia. The primary, family, and usually the spousal caregiver makes everything else run. Their care ...
Caregiver Stressors can be a motivator or a demolisher.   “Caregiver Stressors” are continuous, without end, for the primary caregiver caring for a debilitated spouse or family member with a chronic (TBI) or progressive condition or disease ( Cancer, M.S. Heart Disease, Alzheimer’s Dementia, Parkinson Disease), Diabetes or COPD). Identifying Signs or Red Flags: 1. Feelings ...
Wandering Causes Risk, Anxiety, Stress, and Confusion Wandering is a behavior not uncommon to Alzheimer’s disease, other Dementias or Autism. Children and Seniors with some type of cognitive disability may wander off – and not be able to return home safely. Wandering by foot is one thing, but by car, causes even greater panic, as ...
Medicaid Allowance: Good news from Florida…   Medicaid has again revised one of its regulations. The “Personal Needs Medicaid Allowance” has been increased to $105.00 (up from $35.00) effective July 1, 2014. The Personal Needs Allowance is the amount of income a nursing home resident who is receiving Florida Medicaid long-term care benefits may retain ...
 “Denial it not a River in Egypt“. Denial is a normal defense mechanism. However, it is a brittle one because it will crumble at some point when reality bites hard enough or medical and practical facts can no longer be ignored. Denial that an elder family loved one, your aging mother or father is ill or ...
Respite time is a Gift to parents Respite time allows us to be better caregivers. Most of us see ourselves the way we would like to be. Our older aging parents have likely been married for sixty years or so and should one of them, mother or father become ill or incapacitated, the other spouse becomes ...
 Veteran Aid and Attendance Gives Monthly Stipend The Veteran Aid and Attendance is a benefit paid now for service done years before. The Veteran’s Administration has many types of benefits for Veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Some also include Spousal Benefits. A lot of seniors who served in WWII and Korea are already ...
Fitness: Healing & Maintenance                    Fitness often correlates with better health. Whether a Boomer, Retiree or Senior; proper nutrition and routine fitness bolsters a feeling of wellness – body and soul. Care promotes fitness for Health and Safety with all of our clients. A hired caregiver is a trusted ...
Wellness Forum and other topics of interest; Paradise Home Health Care offers new classes at Temple Anshei Shalom as part of their Adult Education Program. Check with the Temple for current updates of topics. Wellness and topics related to Israel and Judaism are quite popular. If you or your Elder parents will be in the Delray Beach, area, ...
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