
Millions of Family Caregivers help the 5 Million Americans with Alzheimer’s Dementia Alzheimer’s dementia is the most common form of dementia. Caregivers are mostly family members; spouses and adult children. Dementia is the catch all phrase for memory loss and cognitive impairment. Alzheimer’s dementia progresses over many years. Short term and long term memory is affected ...
Senior Vaccines: Flu, Pneumonia and Shingles Senior vaccines are a marvel of the 20th  century health care and have been improving into the 21st century. Older Adults are often at risk for some common illnesses due to a lowered immune system which accompanies aging. The truism, “An ounce of Prevention is worth a pound of cure” ...
 As reported in both the Palm Beach Post and the Sun-Sentinel. Palm Beach county seniors are curious about many of the websites they here about. What began as a couple of presentations, such as “Online Dating”, for Boomers and Older Adults/Retirees and Boomers has now grown to a six-part program in which each segment can ...
Senior Dating, be Ready When Your Parent Dates Again               Senior dating is happening more frequently as one parent may outlive the other by many years. With our parents living into their nineties, it is a probability that one parent will be widowed, leaving their spouse of many years, alone. ...
Aging Misconceptions: Myth or Fact? Seniors and Boomers test your knowledge about Aging and Aging Misconceptions.  Read these statements and decide which are true and which are false. *Most Elderly Americans live in Nursing Homes (5% or less) *My family don’t call me, they must not love me” (Email & Texts are used) *A Will ...
  Jan Engoren Senior Internet Training on Popular Websites While surfing the Internet and a quick Google fact-check is second nature to many these days, there is still a segment of the population that struggles to get online and navigate. Many seniors, dragged reluctantly into the tech age, have acquiesced and accommodated, however slowly and ...
Parkinson Support Groups at  Palm Beach  county YMCA Parkinson  Support groups offers camaraderie to Parkinson’s patients and families                       Jan Engoren – (Boynton Beach Forum) In addition to swimming, summer camp and recreational activities, the Boynton Beach YMCA also has the Surf & Turf support group for people with ...
Hurricane Preparedness is Key to Planning for the Storm and Afterwards Hurricane Preparedness for Floridians; we know June 1st begins the Hurricane Season which lasts through November.  It is a time to review your Hurricane Plan, make needed changes and restock your Hurricane supplies – testing things and adding new water and paper goods. Review your ...
Seniors Google article written up in local paper Sex for seniors? Yeah, you can Google that                                                                               ...
Elder Parent and Loved One’s Care May be More Intensive than Imagined  Elder parent care is about many things all rolled into one. There are many things to consider: health, ability to care for oneself, emotional (Depression) and psychological and cognitive (Dementia) well-being, finances, legal planning and safety (Fall Prevention). Delray Beach in South Florida, ...
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