Home Care

Home health care and hospice are similar in many ways and can work together in providing care for mutual patients, and guiding families. Paradise Home Health Care has worked with many families that have hospice care or will get referred to hospice later, as their care needs change. We will discuss some ways that home ...
Unclaimed Financial Aid is Available for Seniors Many older adults struggle to make ends meet every month, unaware that billions of dollars worth of aid is going unclaimed. Elaine Ross was living in central Florida in 2007 when a hurricane destroyed her home. Her insurance didn’t cover most of her belongings, so she started working ...
Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia isn’t easy. It can be one of the hardest, most emotional health care journeys families encounter in their life. It isn’t widely known that there are actually 100 different types of dementia. Lewy body and Frontal Lobal are a couple of examples. Regardless of what type ...
What is Aging in Place? Aging in place is a term used often in the healthcare industry. Most often it is used by individuals that work with seniors and/or their families looking for guidance on options for staying at home through the golden years, or if they need to go to a facility. Home is ...
Paradise Home Health Care is proud to announce being selected for the 2022 Best of Boca Raton in the Home Health Care Service category. The staff and caregivers work incredibly hard every day to make sure our clients and families feel comfortable. For instance, we listen to what their needs are and gather as much ...
COVID has affected all of us in one way or another. You may know someone who got it and died, or got it and was able to fight it off. The other way it has affected a lot of the working force is for much of 2020, business’s shut down. In the Home Health/Private Duty ...
15 Oct 2020
Building Your Team Building your team begins with a diagnosis. Anyone receiving a serious diagnosis needs some time to absorb the news. So do family members and whoever else you choose to tell.  First, take in the news and hear what the physician tells you. It is highly recommended to have a loved one go ...
Old, Alone, “Don’t Need Help” Old, Alone, “Don’t Need Help” is a common response a Home Care Social Worker hears. It is hard to be ill or incapacitated. Living alone makes it that much harder. In fact, age, illness, and living alone are “risk factors” to be considered when putting together or thinking of a ...
Social Work Based Home Care Social Work based home care takes a macro view of a client’s needs, family relationships, home safety and an array of resources and benefits.  In-home care, Social Workers typically are with a Medicare Agency. They are one of the “Skills” which Medicare covers. Other skilled professionals are Registered Nurses, Physical, ...
05 Jun 2020
Home Care Mistakes Home Care Mistakes result in frustration and stress, or worse. They can occur during an already difficult medical/health situation. An unsatisfied experience is often preventable. People seek out help at home when they are either post-surgery, undergoing an illness, are a primary caregiver, or have a long term, degenerative disease ( i.e. ...
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