
Hearing Loss and Dementia Hearing loss and dementia are connected. Research finds links between hearing impairment and cognitive impairment. This is truer for men.  As hearing loss worsens, the risk of developing dementia increases. People with mild auditory loss are almost twice as likely to develop dementia. Risk increases three-fold for moderate loss. Five times ...
Aging Parents Resist Help An example of aging parents refusing help: “Thanks for the follow-up. Mom’s in charge. Not always making good decisions, but she has to make her own mistakes. It’s sad to watch but it is what it is. Will reach out as events warrant.” This text comes from a daughter who had ...
There is a link between (ears) hearing impairment and (brain) Dementia Ears, ergo our hearing has a lot to do with what goes on with our brain in the middle. When there is a hearing problem, deficit or impairment in our ears, then the relationship between hearing and the brain is disrupted. It is more ...
Old Age: What is True or False? Old age is getting longer as we live longer and there is a lot of misinformation about this stage of life. What they can do and what they can no longer do well. Since Americans are seeing a tsunami of seniors now in their 80s and 90s with ...
Aging Misconceptions: Myth or Fact? Seniors and Boomers test your knowledge about Aging and Aging Misconceptions.  Read these statements and decide which are true and which are false. *Most Elderly Americans live in Nursing Homes (5% or less) *My family don’t call me, they must not love me” (Email & Texts are used) *A Will ...
According to a study in The Laryngoscope Journal (and reported by Medical News Today, by researchers at the Washington State School of Medicine in St. Louis found that older adults who have hearing loss may find that their balance improves when they wear hearing aids. After all, balance is in the ear. If this finding ...