Elder Parent and Loved One’s Care May be More Intensive than Imagined  Elder parent care is about many things all rolled into one. There are many things to consider: health, ability to care for oneself, emotional (Depression) and psychological and cognitive (Dementia) well-being, finances, legal planning and safety (Fall Prevention). Delray Beach in South Florida, ...
First Use an AHCA Licensed Home Care Company AHCA licenses are given by the Agency for Health Care Administration  in South Florida. Important things are included in this license. AHCA Caregivers are required to have Level II- FBI background checks and be fingerprinted. All Home Health Aides and Certified Nursing Assistants must be certified, carry insurance and ...
A huge danger for folks 65 and older is falling. We know via research that one third of seniors will fall and that for about a third of them, it will be a life altering experience. Falls can cause bone fractures which involve surgery, hospital stay and rehabilitation centers. The fall may be just the ...
With about 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s Disease and many more fearful of getting this degenerative cognitive disease, it is helpful to learn the different stages. No two people get the same disease in terms of strict similarity of symptoms and time frames. There isn’t a crystal ball, but there is a known direction and somewhat ...
  Home Care Assistance Solves Many Care and Safety Needs Home Care Assistance is a tough topic to discuss with older parents. A very practical solution for older people who need a little help at home to remain independent there is to hire an aide or caregiver for in-home care. It does take insight on the part of ...
Reverse Mortgage as Financial Tool Reverse Mortgage may be worth exploring for financially strapped seniors. Is your home the answer to financing your care in old age?  Maybe yes, Maybe no, as a Boomer, if the FONZ recommends a Reverse Mortgage, I might just look into it AAAYYY! There is no debate that hiring an in-home ...
Respite time is a Gift to parents Respite time allows us to be better caregivers. Most of us see ourselves the way we would like to be. Our older aging parents have likely been married for sixty years or so and should one of them, mother or father become ill or incapacitated, the other spouse becomes ...
Decline or functional impairment  by your elderly parent  – Red Flags Decline is usually symptomatic of disease or illness. Some signs of decline are subtle and others obvious. Simple observation in their home will give you an idea of what changes are happening and how best to respond. Go to their home and see: 1. Has mail accumulated, and ...
Rehab Center Discharge Checklist Rehab stays can be short term or longer, but generally last 3 weeks as that is what Medicare covers. Rehab stays generally get people “home ready” but perhaps not fully recuperated. This is true following a surgery or illness. You will likely receive Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapist visits through Medicare Home Services when ...
Do I Just Call LTC Insurance and Open a Claim? LTC insurance is used to pay for private duty personal home care. As a Geriatric Care Manager for a Senior Services company in South Florida, I meet with many elder folks when they need assistance at home.  Either they sustained an injury- fall or hip fracture, recuperating ...