
Finances are a tough topic to address as it is personal. An individual’s view of money may be quite different from your own Boomer point of view. Parents of the WWII generation may find it unseemly to discuss finances with anyone and with their adult children in particular. However, money is what it still takes for food on the table, ...
Decline or functional impairment  by your elderly parent  – Red Flags Decline is usually symptomatic of disease or illness. Some signs of decline are subtle and others obvious. Simple observation in their home will give you an idea of what changes are happening and how best to respond. Go to their home and see: 1. Has mail accumulated, and ...
Rehab Center Discharge Checklist Rehab stays can be short term or longer, but generally last 3 weeks as that is what Medicare covers. Rehab stays generally get people “home ready” but perhaps not fully recuperated. This is true following a surgery or illness. You will likely receive Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapist visits through Medicare Home Services when ...
30 Jul 2014
Medicare: One of the Most Successful Programs for American Seniors Medicare on the 49th anniversary of your becoming law; Happy Birthday.  President Johnson signed medical insurance coverage for seniors (65+) into law on July 30th, 1965. What would our aging parents, and soon us do if there wasn’t Medicare?  How do other countries care for their ...
Do I Just Call LTC Insurance and Open a Claim? LTC insurance is used to pay for private duty personal home care. As a Geriatric Care Manager for a Senior Services company in South Florida, I meet with many elder folks when they need assistance at home.  Either they sustained an injury- fall or hip fracture, recuperating ...
Primary Caregiver to an Ill Spouse or Parent Also Needs Support Whether it is your elderly or senior parent or a local sibling who is the primary caregiver to your parent, they need support from you as well. In the U.S. millions of family members take care of a mother or father who has a progressive degenerative ...
Elder Parents Sharing Important Information with Family Those of us in the Sandwich Generation know that our elder parents can be secretive about personal information – medical and financial in particular. It can become very important though to know some basic names, dates and numbers about your aging mother and older father – especially if ...
Diabetic feet care is important to help mitigate effect of Diabetes on your feet. The stinging pain from nerve endings and the risk of being banged, bumped and bruised can move quickly from no problem to a possible serious problem. Diabetic Feet Safe and Cared for: 1- Check your feet every day– top, soles and between ...
The Ankota Healthcare Delivery Management Blog:  Transition Home Program Differentiates Home Care Company Transition Home Program: One key to successful growth in a home care business is to differentiate.   We share other success factors in our free white paper, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Home Care Agencies.  In this blog, we often share success stories explaining ...
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